Relationship Matters

Conversations on Cancer Ep.4 - Right Relationship with Prostate Cancer & Male Identity

CRR Global
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00:00 | 39:20

Conversations on Cancer is a 6-part mini-series on the Relationship Matters podcast focusing on finding Right Relationship with life-threatening illness. Across the 6 episodes, Faith Fuller and Katie Churchman talk with survivors & caregivers from around the world about their relationship with life-threatening illness. In this epsiode, Faith and Katie are talking with Mish Middleman about right relationship with prostate cancer and male identity.

Mish Middelmann was the founding CEO of Praxis Computing, a hi-tech start-up in the 1990s, and then became a systems coach, brought ORSC to Africa in 2012 and is now a part of the CRR Global faculty, both leading ORSC courses and supervising certification students worldwide.  Mish was an apparently very fit and healthy 61-year-old when he was lucky enough to be diagnosed with prostate cancer just before it spread beyond his prostate gland. After being bewildered by the complete absence of a roadmap for recovery from the side effects of his treatment, he created, where he, his partner and many other prostate cancer survivors share their stories very frankly and intimately, as they unfold. This has also led to a global Recovering Men support group – a space of live conversation, vulnerable strength and openness.